For many years the activities of public prosecutors and criminal courts has been continuously increasing. Corporates or their management, are repeatedly under investigation. Any company or management facing investigations is not only under pressure from the authorities but also from the public and its stakeholders. We have experience dealing with all kinds of allegations of economic crimes, including money laundering, fraud, embezzlement, illicit agreements in public tenders or tax crimes.
We also represent victims of economic crimes. National and sometimes even worldwide asset tracing is often the only way to mitigate losses resulting from crimes.

Core expertise

  • Set up and management of Internal Investigations and assessment of compliance violations
  • Advisory on and Assessment of Compliance reports
  • Setting up and assisting in the implementation of compliance measures and criminal compliance risk mitigation strategies
  • Setting up of internal corporate leniency regimes
  • Implementation and operation of Whistleblowing Hotlines
  • Legal assistance in mock-dawn raids and training of staff
  • Assisting with international and national assets tracingof deprived assets
  • Due diligence reports on business crime risks
  • Agreements on active repentance
  • Private prosecution of economic defamations
  • Complaints of unconstitutionality of criminal offences and sections of the code of criminal procedures
  • Advise on criminal risks related to EU and national sanctions law
  • Advise on criminal risks related to ESG compliance and green washing
  • Implementation of Cybercrime prevention strategies